PROJECT | Melbourne Univeristy and Ian Potter Commisssion for the University of Melbourne Life Sciences Buidling
LOCATION | University of Melbourne Life Sciences Buidling, Naarum
TITLE | Tree 1041
Alexander Knox was commissioned to make a scultpure using Tree 1041, a one hundred and fifty year old Sugar Gum from the 19th century Systems Garden, one of oldest teaching gardens in the country. The tree was planted by the first head of Biology at Melbourne Univesity Professor Fredrick McCoy. Tree 1041 was required to be removed from its location in the historic Systems Garden to make way for the new University of Melbourne Life Sciences Building.
Alexander Knox's artwork involved a precise and systematic process of design, cutting and restacking the green timber tree.
The tree was then placed within the foyer of buidling it made way for
close to its original position. The sculpture weighs 5 tonnes.